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SoIN Tourism is pleased to announce that Katerina Guljas joined the organization as its Visual Content Manager in March. She comes to SoIN Tourism’s marketing team with a strong background in graphic design and project management. Previously she spent four years in the marketing department of

New Staff at SoIN Tourism

November 20, 2018

SoIN staff Russell G

Russell Goodwin, Communications Manager

Russell comes to SoIN Tourism from his most recent position as Director of Marketing at the Transit Authority of River City (TARC). He has broad experience in marketing and communications. He is responsible for media relations, providing written content

Brainstorming session

January 17, 2018

Brilliance doesn’t come easy. For some, ideas are a dime a dozen. They come quickly and seem to be mind blowing as soon as the idea is presented. For others like me, I have to work hard to come up with ideas. It may even take me a few days to work through ideas and their execution to the point that