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Lewis & Clark National Trail

The beginning...

William Clark and Meriwether Lewis left from Clarksville on October 26, 1803, to begin the Lewis and Clark Expedition to explore the Louisiana Purchase. The departure site was the home site of George Rogers Clark, older brother of William Clark.  The Clarksville and Louisville areas are where they recruited, enlisted, and trained the "Corps of Discovery." The departure site is also referred to as "Clark's Point" and "Falls of the Ohio." Lewis and Clark returned to Clarksville in November 1806.

The trail...

The Lewis and Clark National Trail was recently extended by 1,200 miles with a law signed in March 2019. The trail extends through Indiana Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. The Clarksville section of the trail is at the Falls of the Ohio State Park along the Ohio River where a historic replica of George Rogers Clark's cabin is located. 

The extension...

The trail's extension now opens the door for more public education and tourism throughout the Ohio River Valley.  "The Lewis and Clark Expedition was the most important adventure of exploration and discovery in our nation's history," historian Lou Ritten said. View the Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail site. 

Falls of the Ohio Fisher


Lewis & Clark Celebrates the Handshake - A Homecoming Celebration 2020

Where: George Rogers Clark Homesite - 1021 Harrison Ave., Clarksville, IN 47129

Take an adventure to the Falls of the Ohio where today, a replica of the cabin that George Rogers Clark lived in, stands on the site overlooking the Ohio River. This year marks the 217th anniversary of the handshake that began the expedition. The site is on the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail. The Falls of the Ohio State Park staff maintains the cabin and staffs it; groups are welcome, and reservations for guided tours are available. The exhibit includes reenactments from blacksmiths to demonstrations of 19th-century medicine as well as other games, literature, and weaving will be on hand. The Lewis and Clark Handshake Festival is held here annually.

clark cabin



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