The Clark-Floyd Counties Convention & Tourism Bureau hosted an informational booth at Abbey Road on the River this year. Because we will host the 2017 festival, we wanted to make sure attendees knew how close next year’s festival is to Louisville. We had many positive comments on Jeffersonville as the new home of the festival.
The Bureau gave away a 2017 getaway package that included 2 nights at the Sheraton, 2 Ultimate Ticket to Ride pass with reserved seating, two $40 restaurant gift cards, and a VIP Parking pass. We had more than 700 entries. The winner of the prize is Gary L. from Trenton, Mich.
As next year’s event gets closer, Gary Jacob, Abbey Road on the River’s producer, will visit with the merchants and restaurants in downtown Jeffersonville. Kate Kane will set up a meeting with Jacobs, who will be in town August 8-18.
Stay tuned to see how you can get involved!