What’s happening in the SoIN Visitor Center? We had visitors from a variety of states and countries. Here are the stats!
October stats:
- 563 Visitors to the Center in October
- 26 states
- 5 countries
Visitors came from 26 States:
- Alabama
- Kentucky
- California
- North Dakota
- Georgia
- Oklahoma
- Nevada
- Indiana
- Texas
- Tennessee
- Arkansas
- South Carolina
- Ohio
- Pennsylvania
- Montana
- Missouri
- Colorado
- Massachusetts
- Iowa
- Utah
- Mississippi
- Wisconsin
- Washington
- New Jersey
- Illinois
- New York
Visitors came from these 5 Countries
- Spain
- France
- Australia (Sydney)
- United Kingdom (London)
- Canada (Ontario, British Columbia)
When asked, “What’s the #1 Reason for your Visit?” they had numerous replies:
- Vacation
- Family
- Fun!
- Planning local day trips for sister-in-law visit
- Riverstage
- Falls of the Ohio
- Kentucky Bourbon Trail
- Wedding
- Current map
- Kids are running in Ragnar Relay (https://www.runragnar.com/)
- Walking Bridge
- Triathlon in Louisville
- Health Sciences Educators Convention in Louisville, KY
- Work
- Business
- Collecting materials for an out-of-state client
The most commonly asked question of our Visitor Information Coordinators was:
I have a few hours to spend here, what should I see or do?
Due to recent construction on I-65, about half of visitors are locals. Of the rest, most stayed at hotels near the Visitor Center. Most locals who came in wanted a visitor guide, local maps, and recommendations for new restaurants to try. Many requested for coupons from local restaurants.
Henryville 1-65 Southbound Welcome Center:
We interacted with 760 on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays during October
The were from:
- Indiana
- Florida
- Illinois
- Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Texas
- Michigan
- North Dakota
- Tennessee
- Georgia
#1 Reason For Visit:
- Fall Colors
- Going to see family