What is Travel Rally Day?
First staged in 2009, Travel Rally Day is more than just an annual celebration—it’s a spotlight on what travel means to local communities. Each year, Travel Rally Day takes place on the Tuesday of National Travel and Tourism Week, May 1-7, 2016, which unifies millions of travel industry employees and showcases the importance of our industry. Since the first Travel Rally Day, cities nationwide have participated—providing a true coast-to-coast, rural and urban impact.
Since this year’s official Rally Day, May 3, is on Indiana’s primary election day, we chose May 4 to celebrate. Since this is the same day as the Great Steamboat Race, it’s likely that people will already be riverside watching the race with family and friends.
Our mission is to educate our local community on the importance and economic impact of travel and tourism in Southern Indiana. In a recent Visitor Image Study, 15% of those polled said their biggest motivator for visiting Southern Indiana comes from family’s and friend’s suggestions. Therefore, it is important to attract locals into our places of business. This will allow them to become better ambassadors for our destination, referring their friends and family to our attractions, restaurants, hotels and retail businesses.
How to participate in the Southern Indiana Travel & Tourism Showcase
The Clark-Floyd Counties Convention & Tourism Bureau will set up the Travel & Tourism Showcase at the base of the Big Four Bridge in Big 4 Station Park on May 4 from 4-7 p.m.
We’ll offer:
- 12 tables/24 spots.
- First come, first serve.
- Spots will be offered to attractions, restaurants, hotels, and retail that promote their role in travel and tourism.
- Participation is FREE. (Power is not provided. You will set up on half of a six-foot table with a black tablecloth)
Want to sign up?
Contact Kate Kane kkane@sunnysideoflouisville.org by April 22. We encourage you to provide information on your business as well as purposeful giveaways. This will help you tell your Southern Indiana story. (No selling will be allowed; you are, however, welcome to provide samples.)